Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mondays class was a rather different class. We started off by being handed jump ropes and we played around with the jump ropes for a while. Then we had to partner up and  figure out different ways to jump rope with each other. We then got into teams and had to come up with a unique way to jump the rope using all of our teammates. We had to go with the beat of the music and we had to be in sync with each other. After we performed our show we then went and danced with everyone who finished before us. We then went to the classroom and saw different jump rope shows which were very good.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fridays class was a successful one. We had our 4 minute teaching segments in which we had more time to prepare for it and got my first look at how i teach and what I need to improve on. After i taught my lesson I went over with Dr. Yang about what my strong points were and what i need to improve on. I came out with a very strong start and got the class interested right away. I was very loud and direct which helped me move the lesson along. The only problem that I had was my voice got lower as i went on which is not a terrible thing but need to be improved for my next lesson. Overall I felt that this was a much better showing then my last one. There are things that I need to improve on but I am ready and willing to make that changes that I need to in order to make myself a better physical education teacher!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yesterday's class got off to a very quick start. We started by circling up and you had to go into the middle, perform a dance move and the class had to do the same move. Then we played a tag game in which you had to walk around at first then you had to skip. If you got tagged you have to put your hands above you had and you had to wait until someone came up to you said your name and the thing that you taught and you had the same thing and then you got back into the game. We then stretched for a little bit, then we broke up into groups and went over different key points that we need to be ready for Friday as we are teaching the same skill again. I feel that I am better prepared for this teaching assignment and i am ready to teach tomorrow!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Today was yet another successful class for us. We started off by practicing our frisbee throws with a partner. then we worked on the " firecracker" drill which is 20 seconds of intense playing and 10 seconds of rest. We played two on two ultimate frisbee eight times of the firecracker drill.Then we stretched ourselves out for a bit. We then practiced getting the frisbee into the end zone with our partners, then we went on to play again other groups while we tried to defend ours and score in the other teams end zone. In the past few days I have learned that you don't need an open space or even that much equipment in order to teach in a physical education class. You just need to be creative and think outside the box when making your lesson plans.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Class Friday was a lot of fun and was very interesting. we were divided up into four teams as soon as class started and we started to play with ultimate frisbees. we worked on catching and throwing and different ways to throw the frisbee. then we had to partner up and practice getting the frisbee up and down the court. then a defender came in and tried to stop us from scoring. when then did yoga for a little bit to relax ourselves. then we played the name game, we had to say our name and what we taught for the first day of classes. then we had to say the person who went before us name and what they taught. we then took a class picture and ended the class. I learned that it doesn't matter what type of equipment you have, you just need to get creative when you are limited.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reaction to the first day

Overall the first day of class was very interesting. We started out in the classroom and then moved to the gym shortly after had started. We walked in and Professor Yang had 4 rings with different types of balls in each one (Volleyballs, Basketballs, Soccer balls, and Footballs). We then were divided up into two groups and had to teach a skill using the balls to our group. The challenge was that we had only 4 minutes to teach a skill. I feel that blogging is an effective way to tell the students’ parents what they are doing in class. It stops parents from accusing the teachers that they aren’t doing anything with them in class. I am very excited to be pursing my degree in Physical Education and cannot wait to be teaching in a few years.